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Jorinde Voigt: Constant Vision

In the exhibition series im Atelier Liebermann, Stiftung Brandenburger Tor has devoted itself to the question of the creative production process in contemporary art. Conceptually, the format forges a connection to a bygone era where the Max Liebermann Haus at Pariser Platz served as a studio residence and hence a location for contemporary art production. The invited artists ahre some of the inspiration behind their creations and provide insight into their everyday work in the studio. In 2024, Jorinde Voigt, the ninth guest artist to be featured at Max Liebermann Haus, joins them to present her exhibition Constant Vision.


Born in 1977 in Frankfurt am Main, Jorinde Voigt is a multi-disciplinary artist who works with diverse media. Drawing - conceived as notation - represents the central departure point for her creative practice. At Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, Jorinde Voigt will be showing for the first time the largest interconnected installation to date of her group of works Betrachtung | Contemplation (2019-2021). Against a midnight-blue background, objects made of brass chains and wires recalling mobiles are displayed throughout the entire exhibition space on the ground floor. The configuration of these mobiles is based on the Fibonnaci sequence. In addition to their presence in the world of plants and animals, the proportions expressed in this series of numbers can also be found in the human body and throughout the cosmos. In Betrachtung | Contemplation, using formulas derived from this sequence, viewers are given the opportunity to experience aesthetic formulations in space which explore questions of perception and stability.

In the second part of the exhibition, Jorinde Voigt provides insight into her creative process. Fundamental here is her analytical-conceptual approach. The artist develops specific guidelines that form the basis for the realization of each individual work. In addition, she collects perceptual fragments from her environment in the form of objects and photographs. In Max Liebermann Haus, she is presenting a colorful wall piece based on this personal process, alongside additional drawings, sculptures and complementary materials drawn from her wider artistic practice.


The series has previously featured exhibitions by Daniel Richter | Jack Bilbo and Wolfgang Petrick (2017), Leiko Ikemura|Donata and Wim Wenders, as well as Nanne Meyer (2018), Bjørn Melhus (2019), Gerhard Richter (2021), Michael Wesely (2022) and Monika Bartholomé (2023).

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